Monday, August 2, 2010

Are we having blood in our veins???

Are we having blood in our veins???
This was the words of a frustrated senior citizen in a discussion about the plight of our citizens.
Most of the men whom did I meet complain about the politicians and the government staffs.
But the real source of the problems is we. Yes, it is you and me. How many of us accept this???
Still we believe democracy means “For the people; by the people”???
When I searched for the word “democracy” in my mini Oxford dictionary, I found the following description:
A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
Doesn’t the above sentence sound funny???
Whether the above said explanation fit to our government???
I don’t think so we are ruling our own nation. The multi millionaires of India and moral less politicians are ruling the nation. I didn’t mean all of them. Still there are people with ethical sense. But the percentage is decreasing exponential.
How could people rule a nation when they fail to rule their own mind?
During my VIII standard, when we said “nowadays all the candidates for the election are less efficient and thugs”. Our social science teacher replied that it depends on the people’s efficiency to elect a guy how loot less from the people and do more good for the people.
But now the situation had changed, it is efficient to choose a candidate who pays us more for a vote. Isn’t it???
This is the situation prevailing in the biggest democratic nation. Like rice and sugar each state have a rate for the vote.
It wounds me more when I found that nobody is against this crisis.
We are trading our invaluable right for few hundreds and thousands. How dare a citizen could sell his “Right to vote” for a booze.
It is worse than trading ourselves.
Can’t we think that the guy elected through this way will loot from us more than he had spent on the election.
After selling our right, how could we question a public servant???
How many of us have the guts to fight for our rights???
Are we still have and use our “Right to write”; “Right to speech”???
When I asked the question to my friends and family, they told that we will be harmed or terminated if we do so.
In Koran it is said “Fight for your right under the name of the God. Even if you are killed in that fight you will be reserved a place in the heaven
Still we are not ready to do anything in action. But spent hours in chatting about the world and neighbours. Everybody wants somebody to do something good for the community. But if the being is from their own house, they resist. Because they care their own doors and windows than the state.
Can’t we feel more atrocities, selfishness, dishonesty and immorality among us than the period of British?
When I asked that what change could one man can bring, I got a very opt reply from my uncle as
We have crude examples:
“Mr.M.K. Gandhi”,”Mr.C.V.Raman”,”Mr.Kamaraj”, “Mr.R.S.Mani” and countless...
Also it is not worth to blame the government. Because “As is the citizen, so is the ruler
One of my friends said “Humans are worse than animals”…
How dare he could compare humans with animals?
“Animals are better than humans”….
I haven’t read any news that an elephant is being raped by another elephant or a group of male dogs gang banged a stray female dog…
I haven’t heard that a father monkey killed his daughter monkey for having love with another monkey.
Only humans do the above and coin a term “Honor killing” for their inhuman act.
How could we allow a lower or upper caste male is being married to an upper or lower caste female???
How could we permit our children to fell in love with a guy who follows other religion???
How could you allow them to make the family disrespectful???
Uncultured acts….
How dare we could allow our own children, for whom we have sacrificed ourselves, to live happily with other caste/religion human???
Wow…. See our cultured orthodox family bonded (blinded) people!!!
Bang you guys… Bang you… Why Tsunami hadn’t taken guys like you???
You guys should be killed in a more inhuman way.
Only humans have words like “untouchability”, “caste”, and “religion”…. No other beings have these classifications among them.
If you feel that it is sin to touch people other than your caste; why are you breathing the air that touched their body?”------ Mr. Shamshudeen Marikar.
I haven’t aware that there is any unique special medium of air, water or light that nature had created for each caste and religion… Is it so???
I have few examples that show how lofty people we have around us,
One fine morning my friend met with an accident in a highway. For half an hour he was lying in the ground in covered by his blood, none of the great citizens of the republic India came for his rescue him. They were waiting for the police to come and investigate.
When I asked that isn’t wrong, my fellows replied that it is illegal to help a man in the accident until the police arrives. Wow…. Great rule…Great people!!! I can proudly say that my people strictly follows the rules.
By his parents grace my friend is still alive now. But if anything had went wrong…. Time is irreversible.
If the victim is our son or father…. Is the rule still valid???
The above is one of the thousand incidents happening in our great nation.
An another incident describes our fellow beings character,
One day a bus full of people met with a terrible accident. As soon as the bus rolled down a group of local people rushed to the place. Instead of rescuing the victims, the good hearted people rob the jewels, money and mobile phones form them. The merciful creatures also looted dead body of the wife of our school’s hostel warden.
See what a great majestic minded people we have around us.
Is this what your religion taught?
But still we exist, because of some moral beings who believe in themselves and hope that someday their plight will change. But I afraid someday won’t come in a week
When I was young I used to be very happy, if any development project is sanctioned to our town. But now I feel more sorry, that how many people will be affected and how much will be plundered by the politicians and the officials by a new project.
We are more corrupted in from the alpha. Am I not correct???
A lay man bribes an officer to get an income certificate quickly. Isn’t it dishonesty???
I won’t say that only our nation is corrupted and only officers engage in bribery. There is corruption in every nation. But they all bribe to accelerate their work, only in our third rate depraved nation an official ask for money worse than a beggar to do the work for what he is appointed.
You can think that I am not patriotic. Pardon me… I am proud to be born in India, but I feel guiltier to say I am an Indian.
Does we eligible to consume the food that is grown in this soil???
If we curse the politicians. What have we done to correct them or create a flawless government???
If we say that our people are ignorant. What have we done to remove their ignorance???
If we blame our educational system. What have we done to set it right???
Don’t we want a better tomorrow to our children???